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Friday, July 8, 2011

The Feeding

It wasn't that long ago that the Osprey was at a decline due to toxins introduced into our watershed. But, over the last few years we have learned that what we put down the drain and what we put on our lawns effects the food chain. Now the Osprey's have not only become healthy once again but their offspring has a chance. Today I visited a nest close by in a canoe. I was thrilled to see the  Some interesting facts to menton are that the Osprey is one of only  two birds that have an opposable outer toe to better grip its prey( the other being an owl). The Osprey can alsoo dive from heights of 130ft  above and dive straight down at a great speed and just before it plunges into the water will reverse itself plunging in feet first. the Osprey also has a unique feature wherein it can close it's nostrils so water dosn't get in.

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