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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Photography fun on a Saturday

On this past Saturday I set up my studio and coaxed my beautiful gal to pose for me. It was a fun filled day of wardrobe changes and photography experimentation. Here are a few from that day....

Thanks again Hunny!

Feel free to contact me and set up your photo shoot soon!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sometimes you need to rely on other skills

As a photographer in this digital age we use Cs5 ( or photoshop if you will) as a means of enhancing our photography for the consumers interest. It's a little more advanced than the old dark room days but is basically the same thing only in a digital world. Today I was asked to render a Flyer for a local company here in Barrie. Using my skill set obtained from photography I was happy to present them with what they wanted. It's more of a graphic arts thing , but hey, something has to fill the time!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Photographing the senior Innisdale Invaders

It's been a while once again since I have posted anything on here. i've been busy with day to day activities of living in a city once again , And, photgraphing highschool football games whenever the chance arises.

I have had fun as you can see with CS5 as you can tell.